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  • Client
    IDOLONSTUDIO (Union of European Asian Artists)
  • Year

Exhibition design for Taiwan Cinema Berlinale 2020. We were asked to design the exhibition stand and the identity featuring the latest work, “Days,” of director Ming Liang TSAI (蔡明亮) at the 70th Berlinale and Film Market at Martin Gropius Bau.


  • Client
    IDOLONSTUDIO (Union of European Asian Artists)
  • Year
  • Client
    IDOLONSTUDIO (Union of European Asian Artists)
  • Supported by
    Ministry of Foreign AffairsRepublic of China (Taiwan), Kulturabteilung der Taipeh Vertretung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
  • Venue
    Gropius Bau

Exhibition design for Taiwan Cinema Berlinale 2020. We were asked to design the exhibition stand and the identity featuring the latest work, “Days,” of director Ming Liang TSAI (蔡明亮) at the 70th Berlinale and Film Market at Martin Gropius Bau.