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  • Client
    Kunsthalle Erfurt, Silke Opitz
  • Year

In the one-of-a-kind group show FULL HOUSE at Molsdorf Palace, 13 fantastical works of contemporary art and design hark back to the eventful history of the setting and its erstwhile owner, who climbed the social ladder. His acquisition and loss of Molsdorf Palace recall Grimm’s fairy tale of the [...]

  • Client
    Kunsthalle Erfurt, Silke Opitz
  • Year
  • Institution
    Kunsthalle Erfurt, Schloss Molsdorf
  • Curation
    Silke Opitz
  • Editors
    Silke Opitz and Landeshauptstadt Erfurt
  • Text and editing
    Silke Opitz
  • Artists
    Sonja Alhäuser, Peter Callesen, Janet Cardiff & George Bures Miller, Olga Chernysheva, Kristina Girke, Christiane Haase, ILMGOLD/Laura Straßer, Folkert de Jong, Wiebke Meurer, Jens Risch, Nasan Tur, Sarah Westphal
  • Translations
    Jennifer Taylor
  • Copyediting
    Simone Albiez (German), Rebecca van Dyck (English)
  • Collaboration with
    Zwoelf, Berlin
  • Reproductions
    Carsten Humme, Leipzig
  • Printing and Binding
    DZA Druckerei zu Altenburg GmbH
  • ISBN
  • Publisher
    Revolver Publishing
  • Support by
    Kulturstiftung des Freistaats Thüringen, Helaba Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen, art Regio, Danish Arts Foundation, Vlaanderen, Reichenbach
  • Awards
    Design Biennale Brno (2018)

In the one-of-a-kind group show FULL HOUSE at Molsdorf Palace, 13 fantastical works of contemporary art and design hark back to the eventful history of the setting and its erstwhile owner, who climbed the social ladder. His acquisition and loss of Molsdorf Palace recall Grimm’s fairy tale of the fisherman and his wife – only in his case, it was the story of a profligate gentleman. People’s desire for property and prestige is of course always an ephemeral phenomenon. Everything is only a fleeting specter… So it is all the more important to savor it!


The publication does not only serve as a guidebook for the group show FULL HOUSE. With its layout and design, it can also be seen and used as a game set. It is not solely a reflection of the exhibition’s title or of a particular hand of cards or constellation of dots on the dice in games of chance. Instead, historical facts and anecdotes about Molsdorf Palace and its former owner, Count Gustav Adolph von Gotter (1692 Gotha – 1762 Berlin), and information about the participating artists and they works are presented to the reader on three textual layers – for him to “freely combine” at will. Thus, it is also made clear that history is primarily a construct that leads to as many different stories as there are people involved in its writing.